lundi 2 décembre 2013

Tuckey URL Rewrite

How can we make the web application URL cleaner and prettier instead of showing plenty of URL parameters? Is there a way  for a simple easy solution to do that without configuring the application server like Tomcat? after spending a long time of research and test, i found a tool named  Tuckey URL Rewrite that do exactly what i want.
My needs are the following, i have a java wicket web application with Tomcat 7 as webapp server and want to resolve two problems :

  1. First i would make pretty friend profile link as facebook or Google+, for example applicationName/Firstname.lastname 
  2. Second, i want to implicitly add a dynamic parameter depending on the requested domain name for example : should be implicitly transformed to


install Tuckey URL Rewrite by adding Maven dependency :


To WEB-INF/web.xml add :


Add urlrewrite.xml in WEB-INF (src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ for Maven users)  , this file will contain all our rules. so to meet my needs, i write  this two rules:
<note>Clean Friend profile URL</note>

<name>Add parameter to URL</name>
<condition name="host" operator="equal"></condition>

 For more information about this tool, take a look at the official documentation.

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