Jenkins Overview
Jenkins Continuous Integration (CI)
server was created to manage and control development lifecycle processes of all kinds, including build, document, test, package, static analysis and many more. Jenkins supports two main functions to help you improve code quality:
Ongoing building and testing
an easy-to-use continuous integration system, Jenkins lets you easily integrate changes to a software project and then automatically initiate a fresh build. By integrating changes as soon as they're ready, you'll find problems sooner, reduce integration conflicts and ensure you always have a working build.
Monitoring the execution of externally-run jobs
Jenkins schedules, monitors and manages externally-run jobs as well, such as cron jobs and procmail jobs and can even handle operations on a remote machine. The tool immediately informs you if something goes wrong, so you can fix the problem right away.
Built-in Automatic Backup
Jenkins lets you define regular backup schedules and control what to back up. Backups can be pushed to a remote server via SFTP or to a local file system. In this way, you configuration will be protected even in case of disaster like disk failures.
Upgrading Jenkins to a newer version is really easy. If you choose the native package (such as .deb or .rpm), your package manager will update it automatically. If you choose other installation methods, Jenkins will update itself with a click of a button from GUI.
Jenkins Jobs
in the table you find the list of existant jobs.
Create New Job
you have just to click to new job in the left and the folowing screen will appear.
next give a small description to your job :
Build New Job
After creating your job you can start your build by clicking on Start Build :
Job Configuration
The created jobs must be configured as follow :
Git Configuration
to use Jenkins you have to use a system version Control like Git or svn. If you are using an Http protocol to manage remote repository you need to specify the user credentials in the URL :
Cron Configuration
the automation build is managed by the peridic Build option. This field follows the syntax of cron (with minor differences). Each line consists of 5 fields separated by TABs or spaces:
MINUTES The minutes in an hour (0-59)
HOURS The hours in a day (0-23)
JOURMOIS the day in a month (1-31)
MONTH The month (1-12)
JOURSEMAINE The day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are Sunday
for example I have so far used Periodic build in jenkins where the schedule:
*/2 * * * * builds the project every 2 minutes
Email Notification
Jenkins offer to you the oportunity to make a post build of the import tasks is mail notification.
Smtp Config
it is very import to configure jenkins to know you smtp server.
Send Email After Build
click to create a post build step and choose "Editable Email Notification" and specify your mail adress.